The AccuSizer® product line is based on our unique single particle optical sizing (SPOS) technology. The SPOS systems can be used as liquid particle counters for contamination applications or as sophisticated particle size analyzers of suspensions. All AccuSizer systems consist of a sensor, pulse height analyzer (counter), and fluidics to transport the sample through the sensor. Particles flowing through the sensor scatter and obscure the incident laser beam. This light interaction creates pulses that are proportion to the size of the particle. The counter converts these pulses to particle size.
ACCUSIZER SYSTEMS/FLUIDICS — The sample must be transported through the sensor at the proper flow rate and concentration. A variety of AccuSizer fluidics/samplers are used for this purpose – matched to the sample and application. Low Concentration : The A7000 SIS syringe pump sampler is used for low concentration samples that do not require any dilution. Volumes down to 150 μL are drawn through the sensor and the sample is conserved for other analyses. This is the perfect system for USP <787>, <788>, and <789>.
Concentrated : The A7000 AD is a general particle size analyzer utilizing single stage autodilution. Sample is injected into a vessel and exponential dilution then reduces the concentration to the optimum range for analysis.
High Concentration : The A7000 APS is a two stage autodilution system that easily handles highly concentrated samples like emulsions. The APS provides exceptional count accuracy and reproducibility for samples requiring up to 2 million to 1 dilution factor.
Automation : All of these sampling fluidics can be integrated with the Autosampler for high throughput sample requirements.